BreatherLife Japan: Empowering Lives Through Proper Breathing


Human Beings in the Modern World

BreatherLife Japan: Empowering Lives Through Proper Breathing

In this project you get to create a brand that breathes life into the concept of proper breathing, right here in the heart of Japan. The "BreatherLife Japan" project aims to amplify the significance of mindful breathwork and its profound impact on individual well-being within the unique cultural tapestry of Japan. Your mission is to craft a brand identity that not only resonates with people but also inspires them to prioritize their breath as a gateway to improved mental and physical health, deeply rooted in the Japanese way of life. How can we craft a brand that communicates the essence of deep, intentional breathing as a fundamental aspect of wellness, resonating with both traditional Japanese practices and modern lifestyles? Which visual elements, messaging and tone of voice should be used and for whom would it resonate best? How might we emphasize the brand's role in reducing stress, enhancing focus, and promoting wellbeing in general within the context of Japanese values? Join us in the creative process of cultivating a brand that not only speaks to the importance of breath but also empowers people in Japan to embrace a life of vitality and balance, deeply rooted in their own cultural heritage.
Contact person
Itsuro Sugimura
Itsuro Sugimura

+81 11-706-9485

Joonas Kemppainen
Joonas Kemppainen

Director, Key Digital Technologies

+358 50 529 1845

Applications closed

Basic information

Apply by

31 Oct 2023




In person




Project starts

08 Nov 2023

Project ends

06 Feb 2024

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